In the news today, Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi has been sentenced to 3 years for hurling his shoes at President Bush during a December 2008 press conference. Zaidi did originally intend to chuck an explosive device, but realized that a cherry bomb attached to a badminton shuttle has too much drag.
The sentence has caused quite an uproar from the very nationalistic Iraqi public. However, Iraqi prosecutors are unrepentant, commenting: "Frankly, it could have been much worse for him. Had he been seated on the first row, and say, a size 12, the Honorable Judge could have given him 15 years, plus a stiff penalty of 5 goats and 10 chickens..."
President Bush, sighted at a Ghengis Grille in Highland Park, gave his reaction to the Iraqi sentence by laughing off the incident, saying "I guess he really put his foot in my mouth."
hey...Pres B loves Ghengis Grill too:)
Case, it would be behoove you to take a gander at my post today....I think you might enjoy it:)
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