12 March 2009

Iraqi Journalist Sentenced to 3 Years For Not Yelling "Fore!"

In the news today, Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi has been sentenced to 3 years for hurling his shoes at President Bush during a December 2008 press conference. Zaidi did originally intend to chuck an explosive device, but realized that a cherry bomb attached to a badminton shuttle has too much drag.

The sentence has caused quite an uproar from the very nationalistic Iraqi public. However, Iraqi prosecutors are unrepentant, commenting: "Frankly, it could have been much worse for him. Had he been seated on the first row, and say, a size 12, the Honorable Judge could have given him 15 years, plus a stiff penalty of 5 goats and 10 chickens..."

President Bush, sighted at a Ghengis Grille in Highland Park, gave his reaction to the Iraqi sentence by laughing off the incident, saying "I guess he really put his foot in my mouth."


Kelly Sessions said...

hey...Pres B loves Ghengis Grill too:)


Kelly Sessions said...

Case, it would be behoove you to take a gander at my post today....I think you might enjoy it:)


In Waikiki, Feb 2010