18 March 2009

Aggie Mid-Lifers to Invade 30-Something Crowd at Pinecove Camps

On 5Apr, a grand celebration will take place off of route 71 near La Grange, TX. Former residents of Walton Hall, Texas A&M campus, will gather to celebrate some 25 years of unmitigated success and life conquest. Participants will begin the effort of reliving their glory years at the dormitory by driving to the event without AC.

John Laubacher will try his best to make an appearance, but if difficulty occurs in his family's necessary pilgrimage from MCI, he has requested that Journey, Lionel Richie, and Rick Springfield be played during the entire event in his honor. Participants have yet to agree on whether or not to 'order' this particular gratuity...

Mike Mulcahy will only be allowed one(1) car coat...

Rodney Edge will only be allowed one(1) competitive event, perhaps the egg toss, to give the others a fighting chance and keep things flowing...

There will be a raffle taking place called Which Old Guy Has The Least Hair, the winner of which will receive season tickets to Aggie Football 2009, and based on last season, will be given a $100 bonus for each game actually attended...

Finally, there will be a Most Beautiful 2-year-old Boy Contest, to be judged by Case & Kani Herrington.

PS: In honor of the coming festivities, we have changed the colour of our blog post titles from Metrosexy Blush, Paul Fazio's favorite, to Dullard Maroon, in honor of our outstanding football squad.


Kelly Sessions said...

On the radio this morning they said there were 23,000 people in attendance at the Ft. Worth Zoo yesterday....spring break and apparently Wed's are half off day at the zoo too....Um soooo glad we didnt go yesterday!!


Kelly Sessions said...

hey, I have a rotation diet...my trainer created it! Its a carb rotation diet and it really works!(well if you stick with it)

Some cool exercises too...as well as some Stair Exercises...I will have to e-mail Kani some of the links and you can check them out!

(PS, I commented this on my own wall and got excited when I saw I had 2 comments...)

In Waikiki, Feb 2010