25 February 2009

I don't want to Koyrasw you, but don't give my nurves giati, I'll give you Shoot.

A few days ago, I sent an affectionate email to an old Aggie roommate, Louis, who happens to be from Dallas, and is Greek. Here is the actual text that was sent to my dear old roomie:

"Are the women in your family still wearing tu-tus and shaving their razor stuble with bowie knives?"

Now, you may be thinking that such a question, posed in such a way to someone who is short, hairy, dark, and Greek, might cause them to 'take pause.' But I can promise that to anyone with a last name such as Manitzas, Zikos, or Manos, this is like saying

"You are my beloved, dearest to my heart."

Other good things to do with Greeks is to brag on Socrates, Pluto, and Aristotle, mention that 'Wedding' movie, recognize the merits of purchasing watermelons and lambs whole, while wearing sandals without socks, ask them about their 'yiayia,' and to photograph them with donkeys.


Kelly Sessions said...

You are weird! Hahaha...I didnt get that post at all!

Also, I posted some more baby pics of my nephew!

Hope y'all are doing great!!

Kelly Sessions said...

I almost just cried today! Read this!:(


I have a picture of him I will post soon!

Case & Kani Herrington said...

K, this post is designed purely to bait my old roommate, and believe me, if anyone deserves baiting, it would be this guy. Actually, I have fond memories of him, we were both poor, motorcyle riding waiters together. C

In Waikiki, Feb 2010