11 February 2008

My Son Eats Like Shamu

1st Rule of our House: Anything on my plate, also belongs to Chase to be eaten when he sees fit. It's not MY rule, but rather one that has been imposed on me by our Little Emperor, and I'm having to adjust to the harsh reality of this 'new life.' Not easy.

When I make whatever in the kitchen, I try to slyly bring it into the living room so that I can watch Headline News at the same time. Chase, even if he's elsewhere in the house, can somehow SMELL the vapors in the air, and he begins to circle closer and closer , like a shark might hunt its prey. Once he sees that it is in fact food that I have, he comes in for the kill, because he figures "If Dad likes it, then I will too."

What happens next can be frightening to behold. Looking up at me with baleful brown eyes, knocking his little fists together to make the sign "more" that his misguided mother taught him, he becomes a fixture between my legs, little hands reaching up to grasp the plate and sling everything onto the floor, if possible. When I do reach down with a small bite, 5 razor sharp teeth RIP the morsel from my fingers, and off he goes, into the depths, only to return again when I least expect him. I'm most vulnerable when I have both a plate and the cell phone.

You see...he's kind of like those raptors in Jurassic Park. He plans. He remembers.


euphrony said...

I tend to think that Lil'er E eats like a lion - using those six teeth of his to rend the flesh off whatever gets too close to his mouth. I think he'd like some jerky, taste and good gnawing.

I like you blog, Kase. I'll be reading.

euphrony said...

By the way, we need to do lunch again.

In Waikiki, Feb 2010