16 February 2009

If You Do That Again, Chase, We'll Sell You To The Gypsies

Just back from a fun Valentine's weekend in Dallas. We stayed with our girl friday, Kelly, in her luxurious one-bedroom flat, and had one big slumber party. Hannah & Chase were delighted to see their favorite swimming buddy, and we all had some good R&R. We flew in Friday night, and after gourging on the nearby McDonald's breakfast buffet, (the only McDonald's breakfast buffet that we are aware of in the entirety of McDonald's kingdom), we jumped in Kelly's ride and headed west for the Ft. Worth Zoo.

The Zoo was a blast. We all agree that the most impressive viewing at the zoo was the first one, of a huge, silverback male gorilla housed near to the zoo entrance. His living space has one particular room where he sits literally inches away from your nose, with only glass separating you. Not the least bit shy or unfriendly, this handsome 400-pounder contentedly sits, strolls, or peers back at the dozen sets of eyes looking at him. He is simply breath-taking and amazing to see. (Chase did not care to get too close to this guy, even while being tightly hugged by Dad.)

Kani has bragged on the Ft. Worth Zoo time and time again and she was absolutely right. There were many other fascinating animal exhibits, a frontier 'main street' to stroll, nooks & crannies for 2-year-olds to play in and explore. So we highly recommend this wonderful place.

On Sunday we met Jaime & Becky Galvan & their boys for Mongolian stir-fry after they were out of church service. We had a lovely lunch together, and a lively discussion of the highlights, and woes, of parenting, i.e., Chase biting his Daddy while having a bad moment at McDonalds. Hannah & Brandon, two 13-yr-olds-going-on-20, chatted about their studies and other important matters, while 10-year-old Matthew sat with them, making sure they behaved themselves.

Lots of fun all around, pictures to follow....

1 comment:

Kelly Sessions said...

I love the aggie picture on the left. I think that should be the blog photo at the top...not that your kids arent precious...but it is the K&C Hacienda:)

oh that information you wanted...www.googleanalytics.com you have to just register and copy the information at html on your blog page.

If I remember i'll send an e-mail with the informaiton.

I had a blast at the zoo and this past weekend. Tell your family hi...oh and Kani left her Da Gin Twin chocolates and note behind. Sad thing is I ate the chocolate but still have the dollar bill! Mmmm they were triple chocolate toffee:)

In Waikiki, Feb 2010