Dear Friends,
It's been quite a while since I've written on our family blog, guess it's time to report in on the Herringbones, I'm sure you all are just DYING for an update on us, so here goes...
Kani and I have both changed jobs and are right in the middle of the transition! Kani has moved from Conroe ISD to Klein ISD, likes her new job and office, etc, although she misses her old buds in The Woodlands, particularly her former principal and friend Marlene. Her new digs are only 9 mins drive from our house, which we REALLY like, her home school is exemplary and Klein has an excellent reputation. (Lyle Lovett, C&W star, actor, fellow Aggie, etc, hails from Klein, so, there you go...)
Since April I have been working downtown for Continental in Revenue Mgmt, and really love my job, bosses, and coworkers. We are a diverse but tight group, are considered a 'Tier One' managerial organization, meaning that we are vital for daily operation of Continental, and we make some important decisions daily. I like the responsibility, the 4-day-on, 3-day-off work week, even the commute! Clam-happy am I.
Hannah this summer completed her second missionary tour in Hungary with Bammel CofC. So now she is an old missionary pro. She is also to turn 16 in March, so it's drivers license time around here, and a shiny blue '93 GMC pickup awaits her in the driveway...she can drive it with pride, knowing it has been passed down in the family no less than 4 times...
Chase is a wild banshee, and keeps his Daddy busy 3 of those 7 days a week. He loves Star Wars and E.T. right now. Sword fights are a daily routine at our house. He also enjoys torturing the cats, as much as he is allowed. He is currently obsessing over his birthday party to take place in November.
That's our story for now, looking forward to football season and some cooler weather around here! More later....
The K&C Hacienda
Not A Chick's Blog, But Chick Friendly
16 August 2010
08 June 2010
It was just months ago that I first saw the dog we came to call Freddie, trotting down a lonely stretch of central Texas highway, near to Cameron, his tail whipping to-and-fro, ears flopping, tongue dripping, eyes wide with concern and confusion. Where was he going? Who had left him to this fate? Many questions clouded my adled Aggie mind while I watched him walk for what seems like an eternity. In fact, being a daschund, he had only really traveled about 8 feet...
I stopped my truck, scooped him up, drove towards home, stopped at Dollar General, got him some canned Alpo With Beef Chunks, brought him home, fed and watered him. Only later, after Freddie had scarfed down both cans of the stuff, and being enlightened by my beloved betrothed, did I come to realize my benevolent intentions were misguided. Freddie treated us for the rest of the evening to some hair-curling, eye-watering puppy flatulence.
In any case, Freddie was welcomed with open arms by our children, and I was well ready to accept Freddie into our family as a permanent member. But my dear beloved betrothed 'reminded' me of several things. Firstly, we are often gone on trips, many of them spur of the moment, and providing care for a dog would be difficult in our regular absence, and B, my beloved betrothed, a cat person, does not care for smelly, dirty, stinky dogs in her house, etc.
So we found a home for Freddie with the Emericks, our friends in The Woodlands, who renamed him 'Dolce' and provided dog opportunities for him that we simply couldn't. We were promised we could babysit when they went out of town, which is exactly what Hannah was doing when he became so badly injured. The vet said his injury could have occurred anytime, anywhere. Good that he was given comfort so quickly. And the Emericks were quite understanding, telling Hannah that at least he spent his last days with the family who rescued him and gave him love and shelter to begin with.
So, dear friends, that's the story of Freddie. May He Rest In Peace, Amen, and Amen:)
I stopped my truck, scooped him up, drove towards home, stopped at Dollar General, got him some canned Alpo With Beef Chunks, brought him home, fed and watered him. Only later, after Freddie had scarfed down both cans of the stuff, and being enlightened by my beloved betrothed, did I come to realize my benevolent intentions were misguided. Freddie treated us for the rest of the evening to some hair-curling, eye-watering puppy flatulence.
In any case, Freddie was welcomed with open arms by our children, and I was well ready to accept Freddie into our family as a permanent member. But my dear beloved betrothed 'reminded' me of several things. Firstly, we are often gone on trips, many of them spur of the moment, and providing care for a dog would be difficult in our regular absence, and B, my beloved betrothed, a cat person, does not care for smelly, dirty, stinky dogs in her house, etc.
So we found a home for Freddie with the Emericks, our friends in The Woodlands, who renamed him 'Dolce' and provided dog opportunities for him that we simply couldn't. We were promised we could babysit when they went out of town, which is exactly what Hannah was doing when he became so badly injured. The vet said his injury could have occurred anytime, anywhere. Good that he was given comfort so quickly. And the Emericks were quite understanding, telling Hannah that at least he spent his last days with the family who rescued him and gave him love and shelter to begin with.
So, dear friends, that's the story of Freddie. May He Rest In Peace, Amen, and Amen:)
02 July 2009
We Saw the Pope and HE Didn't Wave At Us Either
Ok! We are back from our European trip and are almost fully recovered, have Chase in our possession and are waiting for our girl Hannah to get home on Monday and tell us about her adventures in Hungary. Got home just in time to give our grass emergency attention. Tomball has a water ration on right now, it has been more that 100 degrees in Tomball the last couple weeks and we are praying for rain. While in Europe, the temperature wherever we were never reached higher that 73...too beautiful...
We flew into Rome first, from Newark. Kani arranged this entire trip as I sat back lazily, and she did an excellent job. We stayed at a B&B near to the Asian district and had access to Metro and great restaurants, our neighboring guests were German, Russian, and Danish, and we made quick friends. We stayed three nights in Rome and got a whirlwind tour, although based on brother-in-law Kerry's assessment, not enough time to see any of Renaissance Rome, etc. So we have agreed to go back with Kerry & Maria in tow as our tour guides, asap!!
Next stop was Budapest, Hungary. Kani did a great job booking for us and got us the West End Hilton, a rare chance for us to stay in a 5-star hotel, and we loved it. The W.E. Hilton is attached to a great shopping mall in a cool trendy part of Budapest, and also conveniently near to the Metro, so we had the best of everything. We took Hannah to Castle Hill, the Chain Bridge, govt buildings, saw a cute wedding take place with pigeons released, went to Market Square, and saw 'Carmen' at the Budapest Opera House!! Great fun, and there is still more to see of Budapest in the future, such a great city with so much history, etc. We stayed 3 nights before hooking Hannah up with her mission group, on their way to Mischcoltz to work with an orphanage...
Then Kani and I continued on to Brussels. We stayed in a hotel just adjacent to a gothic church and just a short walk from the Grand Place, a square in the center of the city with beautiful old Renaissance architecture and flowers. This was Kani's favorite place of all. After touring a few days in Brussels, we became itchy to come home, were missing our little boy, and had the unexpected expense of having to buy new glasses for me! So we skipped an extra day to see Waterloo, (I have already toured it), and came home a day early. It's great to be back in the land of iced tea and endless refills!!
We flew into Rome first, from Newark. Kani arranged this entire trip as I sat back lazily, and she did an excellent job. We stayed at a B&B near to the Asian district and had access to Metro and great restaurants, our neighboring guests were German, Russian, and Danish, and we made quick friends. We stayed three nights in Rome and got a whirlwind tour, although based on brother-in-law Kerry's assessment, not enough time to see any of Renaissance Rome, etc. So we have agreed to go back with Kerry & Maria in tow as our tour guides, asap!!
Next stop was Budapest, Hungary. Kani did a great job booking for us and got us the West End Hilton, a rare chance for us to stay in a 5-star hotel, and we loved it. The W.E. Hilton is attached to a great shopping mall in a cool trendy part of Budapest, and also conveniently near to the Metro, so we had the best of everything. We took Hannah to Castle Hill, the Chain Bridge, govt buildings, saw a cute wedding take place with pigeons released, went to Market Square, and saw 'Carmen' at the Budapest Opera House!! Great fun, and there is still more to see of Budapest in the future, such a great city with so much history, etc. We stayed 3 nights before hooking Hannah up with her mission group, on their way to Mischcoltz to work with an orphanage...
Then Kani and I continued on to Brussels. We stayed in a hotel just adjacent to a gothic church and just a short walk from the Grand Place, a square in the center of the city with beautiful old Renaissance architecture and flowers. This was Kani's favorite place of all. After touring a few days in Brussels, we became itchy to come home, were missing our little boy, and had the unexpected expense of having to buy new glasses for me! So we skipped an extra day to see Waterloo, (I have already toured it), and came home a day early. It's great to be back in the land of iced tea and endless refills!!
09 June 2009
Adventures In Babysitting, Canada: Be Sure To Pack Some Mittens
Not since Hitler's 6th German Army capitulated just outside of Stalingrad in the Russian Winter of '42 has there been such a weather debacle as faced by our innocent little lamb of a 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, on her trip to Calgary, Alberta, just days ago...
Dutifully obedient and eager to please her Dad...(?)....and her Mom, Hannah packed her brand new REI backpack with some capris, tennies, sandals, t-shirts, and, yes, some unmentionables, anticipating fair, sunny weather in Calgary, just as she had enjoyed on a recent trip to same. Unbeknownest to her, and us, and the Lonards, (her hosts), a snowy storm blew in on the day she arrived, like some gail out of a Gordon Lightfoot song, and nearly froze our poor little Hannah to death. Imagine, if you will, the pathetic picture of Hannah sitting on a bench at the airport, waiting for her ride, her lower legs unprotected by her cheery denim capris and turning blue, her shoulders shivering violently from the cold, her bathing suit strapped to her face, like some kind of makeshift mask, to keep icicles from forming on the tip of her sweet little nose....
It really pulls at your heart-strings, doesn't it, dear friends? But there's more pitifulness....on the first day of her 'job' as nanny, Hannah was locked out of the house by the dastardly Lonard boys, eager to test the metal of their new household mistress. Outside the warm house, once again vulnerable to the elements, but this time without her bikini, and, as the Lonard boys stood at the windows of their home, licking icing off forbidden cake in open defiance, Hannah kept her cool and did what she does best. She got on her cell phone, contacted the lady of the house, Erin, and narc'd on the two mischevious little munsters, just as she often tattles on me to her mom. Erin immediately came home and set things right.
Please stay tuned for further updates on Hannah's Canadian adventure, perhaps her next experience will not be so poignant...
Dutifully obedient and eager to please her Dad...(?)....and her Mom, Hannah packed her brand new REI backpack with some capris, tennies, sandals, t-shirts, and, yes, some unmentionables, anticipating fair, sunny weather in Calgary, just as she had enjoyed on a recent trip to same. Unbeknownest to her, and us, and the Lonards, (her hosts), a snowy storm blew in on the day she arrived, like some gail out of a Gordon Lightfoot song, and nearly froze our poor little Hannah to death. Imagine, if you will, the pathetic picture of Hannah sitting on a bench at the airport, waiting for her ride, her lower legs unprotected by her cheery denim capris and turning blue, her shoulders shivering violently from the cold, her bathing suit strapped to her face, like some kind of makeshift mask, to keep icicles from forming on the tip of her sweet little nose....
It really pulls at your heart-strings, doesn't it, dear friends? But there's more pitifulness....on the first day of her 'job' as nanny, Hannah was locked out of the house by the dastardly Lonard boys, eager to test the metal of their new household mistress. Outside the warm house, once again vulnerable to the elements, but this time without her bikini, and, as the Lonard boys stood at the windows of their home, licking icing off forbidden cake in open defiance, Hannah kept her cool and did what she does best. She got on her cell phone, contacted the lady of the house, Erin, and narc'd on the two mischevious little munsters, just as she often tattles on me to her mom. Erin immediately came home and set things right.
Please stay tuned for further updates on Hannah's Canadian adventure, perhaps her next experience will not be so poignant...
18 May 2009
Somewhere That's Green
After ignoring our dear blog for so long, it's time to announce that we have moved to a new house in downtown Tomball! (new for us). Actually, the house is a bit smaller than what we had before, a 60's era simple brick house with porches in front and back, a car port, and a detached garage that I have converted into a family room. We love living in this neighborhood, everyone is so friendly and there are so many conveniences. (Tonight Kani and I went to our favorite Chinese place and the drive was about 2-3 mins.) Our house is in an old neighborhood that branches off of Main Street in downtown Tomball, and we are within walking distance to all it's shops and eateries. The whole atmosphere reminds you of small town America, and this is exactly what we were looking for all along since moving back to Texas from Florida...
Hannah & Chase have a huge fenced back yard to play in and practice flag work(for Hannah's color guard). I love having a room to putz around in (garage) that I have deemed 'The Wolf's Lair.' If I get in trouble with Kani I will just go have time out in my Wolf's Lair... There are lots of cool old houses around us in our neighborhood of differing shapes and sizes, but all tastefully done, and there are even a few eccentrics, which every great town needs.
We are having a great time and look forward to lots of cookouts with family and friends, small group meetings, and just relaxing around our house.
Hannah & Chase have a huge fenced back yard to play in and practice flag work(for Hannah's color guard). I love having a room to putz around in (garage) that I have deemed 'The Wolf's Lair.' If I get in trouble with Kani I will just go have time out in my Wolf's Lair... There are lots of cool old houses around us in our neighborhood of differing shapes and sizes, but all tastefully done, and there are even a few eccentrics, which every great town needs.
We are having a great time and look forward to lots of cookouts with family and friends, small group meetings, and just relaxing around our house.
28 April 2009
Spam Jam? Thank You, Ma'am...
Here is a quick rundown of our activities on our Hawaii anniversary get-away. Bear in mind that this was intended all along as a low-key few day escape from our kiddos, and originally we were to go to Bahamas, but figured out that HNL was likely cheaper and no surprises...
THURS: Flew to LAX and stayed the night at Travel Lodge, in the same room where our minister & wife stayed 4 years ago, on our way to HNL for our wedding. (Kind of fun to sleep in the same bed your minister did....) Ate at one of our favorite romantic restaurants.....Denny' the Travel Lodge building...
FRI: Flew in Bus First to HNL, ate steak & lobster, slept like babies. Once in HNL, got off bus and went to Chan's chinese buffet near HNL airport. Tummies full, went to Waikiki on city bus, coincidently called 'The BUS.' (we are big spenders). Once in Waikiki, went to beach, and waited for dusk hula show which has always taken place before. Show did not take place, perhaps due to city budget cuts, economy, etc. (Hula beach shows are now just on Tues/Thurs/Sat...) Took some great sunset pics on beach, then went strolling about Waikiki looking at nightlife and shopping...later, we split up, Kani to Intl Marketplace, me to go find her a special gift for next day....
SAT: Picked up rental car, went to breakfast at Pete's Smorgy, then took Kani to Ka-akako State Park, where we had our wedding in '05, and surprised her by wearing my wedding shirt, re-stating my vows to her, and giving her a pearl necklace bought secretly night before. Kani was very happy and I earned big-time points... Then, went on a wonderful driving tour of Oahu beginning in Waikiki and driving counter-clock-wise around island. Just wonderful!! Highly recommend it. Stopped at Dole Plantation but blew off going in. After most of day touring, went back to hotel, freshened up, went to 'Spam Jam,' a street festival(of many)held in Waikiki annually. Watched sweet little girls' troupe put on wonderful hula show. After festival, once again strolled nightlife of Waikiki and went to one of our favorite romantic restaurants........Denny's......where we romantically split the chicken fried steak....
SUN: Went to Chinatown and had dim sum. Kani was very brave and did not squirm when I ate a whole bowl of chicken feet. Kani got to try several dumpling variations, sesame ball filled with bean curd, steamed bun with minced pork inside, and Chinese tea. A feast!! Then , tummies full, went to DiamondHead and climbed up and down in 1 hour. Last time we did this, Kani was 5 1/2 months preggy, and we began our hike from central Waikiki, not base of DiamondHead Volcano... We still can't believe we did that. (No wonder Chase turned out like he has)...Checked out of hotel, went shopping at Aloha Tower stores and Ala Moana Mall, then feast at Bubba Gump's. Then on to airport and a whole other adventure getting home....
Again, this trip was a low-end affair but was much needed and we both agree has been perhaps our best to Hawaii: no wedding or kids or relatives to worry over, etc... Just relaxing....Ahhhhhhhh.........
THURS: Flew to LAX and stayed the night at Travel Lodge, in the same room where our minister & wife stayed 4 years ago, on our way to HNL for our wedding. (Kind of fun to sleep in the same bed your minister did....) Ate at one of our favorite romantic restaurants.....Denny' the Travel Lodge building...
FRI: Flew in Bus First to HNL, ate steak & lobster, slept like babies. Once in HNL, got off bus and went to Chan's chinese buffet near HNL airport. Tummies full, went to Waikiki on city bus, coincidently called 'The BUS.' (we are big spenders). Once in Waikiki, went to beach, and waited for dusk hula show which has always taken place before. Show did not take place, perhaps due to city budget cuts, economy, etc. (Hula beach shows are now just on Tues/Thurs/Sat...) Took some great sunset pics on beach, then went strolling about Waikiki looking at nightlife and shopping...later, we split up, Kani to Intl Marketplace, me to go find her a special gift for next day....
SAT: Picked up rental car, went to breakfast at Pete's Smorgy, then took Kani to Ka-akako State Park, where we had our wedding in '05, and surprised her by wearing my wedding shirt, re-stating my vows to her, and giving her a pearl necklace bought secretly night before. Kani was very happy and I earned big-time points... Then, went on a wonderful driving tour of Oahu beginning in Waikiki and driving counter-clock-wise around island. Just wonderful!! Highly recommend it. Stopped at Dole Plantation but blew off going in. After most of day touring, went back to hotel, freshened up, went to 'Spam Jam,' a street festival(of many)held in Waikiki annually. Watched sweet little girls' troupe put on wonderful hula show. After festival, once again strolled nightlife of Waikiki and went to one of our favorite romantic restaurants........Denny's......where we romantically split the chicken fried steak....
SUN: Went to Chinatown and had dim sum. Kani was very brave and did not squirm when I ate a whole bowl of chicken feet. Kani got to try several dumpling variations, sesame ball filled with bean curd, steamed bun with minced pork inside, and Chinese tea. A feast!! Then , tummies full, went to DiamondHead and climbed up and down in 1 hour. Last time we did this, Kani was 5 1/2 months preggy, and we began our hike from central Waikiki, not base of DiamondHead Volcano... We still can't believe we did that. (No wonder Chase turned out like he has)...Checked out of hotel, went shopping at Aloha Tower stores and Ala Moana Mall, then feast at Bubba Gump's. Then on to airport and a whole other adventure getting home....
Again, this trip was a low-end affair but was much needed and we both agree has been perhaps our best to Hawaii: no wedding or kids or relatives to worry over, etc... Just relaxing....Ahhhhhhhh.........
28 March 2009
You're An Errand Boy Sent By Grocery Clerks to Sprinkle Cheese On Our Ravioli
I'm desperately trying to lose a little weight for my upcoming Aggie reunion...
Observe my diligence: last night we went to Olive Garden, I drank both our wine samples, (it's free), then Kani and I shared the mushrooms portabella and stuffed mushrooms appetizer...mushrooms are not fattening. I ate lots of salad first(it's free), and breadsticks(free too), and when Hannah did not finish her last cheese stick with marinara sauce, I did not want it to go to waste...
Not good enough? ....yes, I know... who am I kidding? But I've always been big. In high school, I was referred to as 'Teddybear.' But imagine trying to protect the quarterback from guys like Northbrook's Ty Allert(NFL) or Angleton's David Stanley(SMU's Benedict Arnold). Being Pooh just doesn't cut it. Was I supposed to 'honey' them to death?
So this is my strategy...last night, after that delicious dinner, we stopped at my barber's on FM 1960. I got a #3 cut...rather short. I will be working some outside this week, so I should get some nice sun. Then if I wear some loose fitting dark clothes and hide my weight, kind of like what Coppola did with Brando when he showed up tubby for Apocolypse Now...
But who am I kidding...
Today is Saturday, and we have a busy weekend planned. So, crepes would be an excellent start to a busy day. And to make them correctly, that is, the way my precious family knows them and loves them, I am REQUIRED to use a nice, rich beer...this time I'm trying Carta Blanca. And of course, must have Nutella to spread on top. But, the other garnish will just be strawberries...strawberries are not fattening.
Observe my diligence: last night we went to Olive Garden, I drank both our wine samples, (it's free), then Kani and I shared the mushrooms portabella and stuffed mushrooms appetizer...mushrooms are not fattening. I ate lots of salad first(it's free), and breadsticks(free too), and when Hannah did not finish her last cheese stick with marinara sauce, I did not want it to go to waste...
Not good enough? ....yes, I know... who am I kidding? But I've always been big. In high school, I was referred to as 'Teddybear.' But imagine trying to protect the quarterback from guys like Northbrook's Ty Allert(NFL) or Angleton's David Stanley(SMU's Benedict Arnold). Being Pooh just doesn't cut it. Was I supposed to 'honey' them to death?
So this is my strategy...last night, after that delicious dinner, we stopped at my barber's on FM 1960. I got a #3 cut...rather short. I will be working some outside this week, so I should get some nice sun. Then if I wear some loose fitting dark clothes and hide my weight, kind of like what Coppola did with Brando when he showed up tubby for Apocolypse Now...
But who am I kidding...
Today is Saturday, and we have a busy weekend planned. So, crepes would be an excellent start to a busy day. And to make them correctly, that is, the way my precious family knows them and loves them, I am REQUIRED to use a nice, rich beer...this time I'm trying Carta Blanca. And of course, must have Nutella to spread on top. But, the other garnish will just be strawberries...strawberries are not fattening.
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In Waikiki, Feb 2010